Saturday, March 3, 2012

Wow it's been so long since I haven't written a blog! So much for trying to keep everyone up to date with with what's going on with me...

Well here is a little run down on what's been going on and where I am today! Most of you know it's the wonderful off season! We have been in the off season a while now almost to the point the off season is almost over and it's about time to head back... It has went by so fast too. Bud and I have been enjoying our time at home. It seems like we haven't done a whole lot but just enough. It usually seems like when you have some time off you are running around trying to get in as much as you can in such a small window of time! But this off season has had balance and I thank God for that!!

We have been to watch a few roping's, cheer on Dryce in Ft. Worth.  We even were able to take our first vacation! It was wonderful it was our first time to Hawaii as well! And that was most of your January.

February, has bought time spent at home going to church, roping, and a baby! A baby horse that is!! I have made trips to A&M with Ve trying to get one of our mares bred. Mom and I have been to Amarillo to drop a couple mares to bred to something else. It's a busy to time for the horse part around the ranch babies to be born and mares to be bread back! Even though we got an extra day in February it still went by very fast. I can't really think of anything else we did this month! Here is our first baby, her name is Tink like as in tinker bell! The ranch has decided to go with a Disney theme this year.  For my horse friends wondering what she is out of... She is a daughter of Frenchmans Guy and a granddaughter of First Down Dash we are excited about her!

Now we in our last month of our off season Lords will and we don't have anything planned but church and a movie day to catch up on all the movies I wanted to go see! Lords will we will be having more babies or I will be making some more trips to the Vet and I will have some success stories about someone being bred! Either way I hope to blog more with some sort of excitement!! Okay I am off to support Bud at a #7 yes I said a #7...


Sunday, October 16, 2011

JKS Ranch est.2010

Tonight I took a look back on the past I guess you could say. I found myself on my facebook going through all my pictures from when Bud and I weren't together, to dating, newlyweds, then today. After I was done there I made my way to my mom's page knowing she would have more pictures than I and they would be of everything from my brother, my dad, also Bud and I. By the way I have a point about the ranch and I am getting there... My mom's pictures were full of everything on at the ranch and it made me stop and think about how much has happened in the last year and half that I guess I haven't stopped to think about.

I like to think as myself as a being a rancher's wife/football wife... Even though it's my season to be more of a football wife than rancher's. Which is fine I do like both and I know one day it will be my season to be the rancher's wife! This time of the year is spent more time around the football field than around hay, horses, and hog dogs... Any way while going through my mom's life on the ranch and JKS horses album I saw how much has changed and we have grown. We will start with the babies last year we had one weanling this year we have six! My mom and dad were the only ones there for part of the first year now they have Pig-man, Sub, and Ve to talk too. Oh and Riley when she stops by to and from work. Last year they were trying to get rid of gators this year it's coyotes. We have been in a drought all summer so we have no hay to bail, load or sale but they built, painted, and fixed fence all summer. Those are just a few of the things of the top of my head if my dad were here I could have listed a few more projects that have taken place...

It was just nice to go back and see what all has taken place on the ranch since it became JKS Ranch. Just for the record all the changes I mentioned have been great! We have the perfect six babies, mom and dad  have great company, and we needed fence that would be horse friendly! As far as not having gators and just coyotes in my eyes thats better too I have a few months before I am back and ready to get the goat company rolling...

Well my thoughts are fading now so I need to rap this up... One more thing I do have if you haven't taken the time to go back and look at some older pictures you should I think you will enjoy it! Trust me you will be thankful at the end of it. Thankful for the time you enjoyed then and thankful for the time where you are now!

Okay I need to go back to sleep and try and get some rest, big game in a few hours! Let the count down begin look out Green Bay! Lets go Rams!!

Ranchers Wife

Friday, October 14, 2011

Bye week part 2 and final part...

I had high hopes for myself to blog every day during the bye week but I just found no time and no desire to sit in front of my computer at the time. Here is a little run down of how our week went.

After traveling on the worst road in America (Highway 69 in Oklahoma). People always use to say when I was little Oklahoma has the worst roads most of theses people were Texans and I thought they were just bragging about there state... I now see now they weren't bragging they were being very honest!! Excuse me but Oklahoma's roads really do SUCK!! Please oh please this is a big WARNING do not take Highway 69 even if 35 is out of your way just drive the extra miles it will be well worth it! Any way after one awful road and one blow out later we arrived home sweet home about 7:30 that Thursday morning with smiles on our faces!

I was greeted at home with my sweet new ride... A new Kubota! For some reason I let picture taking moment pass me by because I don't have one picture of me taking it for a ride for the first time. It's the most wonderful thing it has heat, AC, a radio, and ect... It will making driving around the ranch looking for Bud a lot more enjoyable! After taking my dad for a spin and letting him give me a grand tour of what had been happening in the high fence I set back for the house to find a shower and some shorts! While Bud needed rest I was determined to not sleep other then when the sun went down I had to much to see! After running a few errands in town and of course lunch at Something Different with mom I have lost thought about what we did the rest of the day but I am sure it was something great...

Friday morning came with our babies tied up to the fence for the first time so it was photo shoot time with Bud and the babies! He was a trooper he let me take many pictures as I wanted and kept his good ole smile!

Then made our way to have lunch at rump's... It's off the beatin path a little but it was pretty good food and I can kick myself because I order a peach cobbler and left it in the ice box without trying one bite... I hope whoever found it was one happy camper! Then mom and I got go see a the new baby, Harper Layne or in Kole's words (Harper's 2 year old sister) Popper Wayne... It was great we sat for hours just catching up with our friend and awing over the baby!

Here is Kole and I holding Harper or Popper... I think we were both a little scared!

Then we headed home to end our Friday but with a stop at buch's chicken first for some sweet tea...

Saturday came with soccer games and car shopping with Riley. We didn't buy anything and I'm not sure who won the games but we had a good time riding in car just getting to visit! Saturday night Ve brought us pizza and one of the best Disney movies "The Ugly Dachshund". Getting in a little girl time was great Riley fell asleep on the couch Mom, Ve, and I stayed up telling stories from when we were kids. I guess you could say Disney brought out the kid in us... And for the recored Bud was in Waco the whole day...

Sunday morning came and it was time to do laundry, eat breakfast, and get ready for church! Church was great as always and getting to see our church family was even more encouraging! Before I new it Church was over and it was 3 o'clock and I found myself trying to clean and pack at the same time! The ride to the airport was well... Full of laughter the only thing missing was Dryce! We talked about Ve's birthday, Christmas, what everyone wanted for Christmas but we forgot to ask Bud... Even though later he sent out a text to everyone with his Christmas wish list was! We made a stop a whatburger for Bud so he could get the real feel of Texas...

Photo courtesy of my mom.

For the rest of us we held out for Chipotle, well I did have Bud get me a small frie... But hey I want the Texas feel too! We made to Chipotle enjoyed our lunch then headed to the airport actually on time! 

At the airport we had to say our good bye's I am sure everyone was feeling a little blue but happy we all got to spend time together! And then they sent us on our way.

Photo courtesy to my mom.

Now we have been back almost a week since our bye week and we are back to our normal schedule. It was great to go home and get refreshed there is nothing better than a break to change your enviornment for a little while. The bye week had great timing and I feel like I can make it another 12 weeks (hoping for a little longer). 

Until next time I am off to clean my house and do some laundry before I get fired... Ha Ha yeah right on the fired part!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bye week part 1!

It's bye week for the Smith's and we are headed home! Or in my thinking reality... It's our one time out the whole season we get to go home. That's right folks thanksgiving, Christmas, and new years are a few of the big holidays during the football season that come and go. They are just like another day in the football world. Where most people are heading to see their family, Bud could be heading to work for half the day. So as you can see bye week is a big deal!

Bye week is your one week to get away from football clear your mind and get refocused for the upcoming weeks ahead of us. It also gives your body a break and heal if it needs too. So those are the basics of bye week!

While most guys get out of the city and head to watch there college team play, see family or a mini vacation some where. The smith's are heard home to possible do all of that and more! We are headed home with my parents hauling 26 round bales for 12 hours plus! Can you "ROAD TRIP"!! Bud is the co-pilot dad is the pilot and mom and I are hanging in the back seat!

While Buds plans are to hang with pigman and who knows what else I plan to do nothing! Well if you call doing nothing trying to kill coyotes so I can get my goat business on the ground, enjoying my family and friends! My dad will drive us around the ranch showing off what projects are being done or have finished. And attend church and maybe a BU football game and that will be a rap for the bye week as of right now! While the whole time thinking this is a great vacation!! Our bye week might be during the holidays but to God be the glory it's right on time for us!

In my closing I am hoping there will be a bye week part two and maybe for each day along with a few photos. So if your reading this and it's your bye week too hope you have fun doing whatever it is you have planned!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blog on an app!

I love my iPhone, my Mac, even Buds iPad! You could really say I love apple! And if it was for my iPhone I wouldn't be writing this blog today. You see most of the time when I want to blog I don't have my Mac with me. Most of my ideas hit me out of no where so then I'm stuck trying to remember what it was I thought was so great to blog about!

Now I am all set to blog about what ever when ever... I just downloaded an app that allows to blog right from my phone! For those wonderful blogging thoughts I get sometimes I won't have to keep repeating them in my head till I get home! I can just blog away right from my phone. For those of you saying well duh Dacie doesn't everyone do that... Please just let me enjoy my great find!

Until next time hopefully with my phone! I'm off to let the dogs out and head to my work out...


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fall Saturday's

I said I wasn't going to do no we aren't going to but up fall decorations, we aren't going to hobby lobby to look at them to buy, we aren't going to blog about it! Well I am two for three I gave into blogging about fall. This has been going on about a week and half now that I had to tell myself that many times. See fall is my favorite time of year but isn't officially fall yet, fall doesn't start till next weekend.

This is where I am at with my pre-fall blog. For one the weather this morning was so amazing low 50's and raining which gives me reason to wear what outfit I love most sweat pants and a hoodie! I would wear them every day if Bud would allow it... I have to say to God be the Glory for this special pre-fall Saturday! Not only was the weather amazing but made me remember why I love Fall Saturday's so much when I was starting to not like Saturday's this time of year at all... See Saturday's at the Smith house are call no talk Saturday. Sunday is this biggest day of the work week for Bud  right now he has to have lots of rest and needs to be consecrated. Or his is about to fly where ever there destination is for that week. No I not blaming Bud for me starting to be a non-Saturday fan I just forgot how much I love Saturday's in the fall!

You see not to me Saturday's are made to wake up early run out for breakfast then be on the couch most of the day. I believe this all started because my mom would bring my brother and I home donuts about every Saturday morning. I have to mention the wonderful shows that use to be on like Save By The Bell or Hang Time I was for sure that I was going to be the only girl in my school to get to play on the boys basketball team. Well that didn't happen but I am over it now! After the very cool shows like those went off you follow up with game day, then back and forth with football and girly movies. You must do this until it's time for a late lunch!

My life has changed so much since Saturday's like that now I must give you a run down about how my Saturday morning went and I love the went. This morning began very early for me Bud works half a day so I volunteered to take him to work so I could pick him up and we could spend the rest of the day together. With Monday night football this week our week is a little different and this is suppose Bud's to be Friday. We were up and out by 6:30 this morning, along with myself volunteering to drive Bud to work I got volunteered to pick up breakfast for Bud and the rest of the o-line. Which I am so okay with doing it reminds me of mom bring me food on Saturday's. After dropping off breakfast I went and found my own breakfast then made my way to the couch!  With breakfast in one hand the remote in the other I found myself wanting to blog about this Fall Saturday!

Even though this is a special Saturday I am back in love with Saturday's in the fall. I will continue to love them for the rest of the season because I love Fall and I love Saturday's and all the memories that I have made on those days.

Well I have broken my promise I blogged about fall it's okay I believe it was worth it! So please go enjoy your pre-fall Saturday and enjoy your last few days of summer! My computer is about to die and Bud should be coming out any moment now so I must end this now! Oh there is my text here he comes! Bye!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Whole Foods Anyone?

The other day I can't really remember what day of the week it was but it was sometime this week my husband had a half of the day off from work. Now I must tell you if I refer to someone as "Bud" you will know Bud is my other half... Any way Bud came home from ready to go Whole Foods! After a short trip to home depot we were off to Whole Foods. Have you ever been there? It does have many cool things but not really some where I want to do all my grocery shopping. Any way we came home with a few bags and in one of this is a item that made it home.

That's right you can say it again "organic chocolate chip cookies"!! Please excuse the ugly pink counter under the boxes it came with the house... Back to the organic cookies! It was Bud's idea for me make cookies for his co-workers on Friday. Us being at Whole Foods at the time of the idea came to him and him really wanting to go every thing organic why not go with organic cookies?!?! I even got organic butter it called for eggs too but I skipped out on the organic eggs because I had a dozen of your non organic chicken layin eggs at home.

It looked like normal cookie dough!

The looked good on the cookie sheet!

This is Bud this morning about to leave the house and head to work with SOFT organic cookies in tow. The report I got this afternoon was they were pretty good! Bud didn't come back with any cookies and the container got emptied. So if you are ever at Whole Foods and just want to buy something organic go for the cookies!